Brief Biographical Introduction: Heparticipated in a research project funded by Reasau Sadaoc (a foundation whose aim was to promote attainment of food self-sufficiency in West Africa) to research into the Impact of Border Trade on Food Security in Ghana. Currently, he is teaching as fulltime Lecturer at the Central University, Department of Agribusiness Management from 2008 to date. He has higher education and career in Ghana. Has more than a decade of teaching experience in Ghana on full-time. He is currently pursuing Ph.D. Agricultural Economics at the University of Cape Coast. He has also participated in a number of workshops both in Ghana and abroad. Francis has publications in number of international journals.     

Research interests: Include specialization in the following areas – Production Economics, Agricultural Development Planning and Policy Analysis, Agricultural Project Management, Agricultural Finance, Agricultural Marketing and Monitoring and Evaluation.

Recent publication:  Maize Market Integration: A Case Study of Maize Marketing In Ghana. International Journal of Technology and Management Research 4 (2015) 1-11. Available online at

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